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Our Blue Meadows Bouquet is full of blue hydrangea blooms and stunning yellow roses. Cream flowers including bougainvillia, dahlias, gladiolus, peonies, and more complete the look.


Available in Medium, Large, and XL for monument vases. Vase not included.

Size Large, XL, and XXL are available for headstone sprays.


Price includes custom silk floral bouquet, delivery and placement of the arrangement, and general touch-up at the gravesite. Any special requests, notes, prayers, songs, etc., can be provided with any gravesite service. Please note, delivery fees may be added at checkout and will vary depending on the cemetery location.


Every delivery will be made and delivered with love and care.


As always, before-and-after digital photos will be provided to the purchaser of the gravesite care.


Blue Meadows Bouquet

PriceFrom $130.00
  • Golden Valley Gravesite Florals is not responsible for damage to floral arrangements and/or decorations once placed due to weather or other unforeseen events. Every effort will be made to check on the gravesite following severe weather to assess damage.

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